Research Activities at Centre of Quranic Research (CQR):
The activities at Centre of Quranic Research (CQR) are concentrated on research, publications, organizing workshops and roundtable discussion in educational, religious, literary fields, scientific and technology. The centre consists with several divisions, which mainly prepared due to launch their own activities throughout the years. Meanwhile, for other divisions, it will be ready to begin and established when the other materials and human capitals were already available soon. Those divisions mentioned earlier are listed as below:
- Consultative (advisory) committee from the expert scholars.
- Division for the exploration and examination of the heritage of Al-Quran and its sciences.
- Contemporary Quranic & Hadith studies division.
- Islamic Research division.
- Printing and publication division, prior to publish Journal and produce article/book.
- Library (readable and audio-visual).
- Historical Manuscripts.
- Administration and Conference to conduct/co-operate international conference.
- Technicians, technical and telecommunication division (supervise the centre's website on the internet).
Each division was responsible to ensure that, all targeted objectives of this Research Centre will be achieved as expected. Thus, several activities had been planned due to promote the Islamic & Quranic research and literacy, especially for human kind, such as:
- Meeting with expert scholars/expert researchers (Seminar, Tele-conferencing etc).
- Professional short courses in the field of Quranic & Hadith studies as well as Islamic research.
- Visiting Scholars Programme, which brings other scholars both local and international scholars to the Centre for a short tenure. The scholars invited under this programme were expected to undertake research with this Centre disciplinary field, and published their work with the Centre.
- Conduct the International Conference, workshops, round-table discussion and public lectures at the local as well as international level annually, which aimed for promoting Quranic and Islamic research in any disciplinary fields.
- Publications in the form of occasional papers, monograph series, journals, article/books and proceeding papers for selected areas.
- International Scholars from different parts of world will spend 1 or 2 weeks at the Centre, to give lectures and lead seminars that are open to both academic community as well as general public.
- Attend the national/international symposiums, colloquium and conferences.
- Explore the heritage of Quran and also sciences in Holy Quran.
- Promote the Quranic heritage and Islamic research, through the miracles in Holy Quran for community (Flyers and brochures).
- Conduct the exhibitions of Quranic heritage/Research & Technology.
- Networking with other centres of Quranic studies & Islamic research, in other parts of the world due to encourage the exchange of scholars and postgraduate students.
- Research visits and data collection.
- Research and Consultation.